Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

5 Steps For Getting The Most Out of Your Insurance

I had a call a couple weeks ago after the LA fires broke out to discuss how to get the most out of insurance companies during this devastating time. I wanted to share a 5 step action plan for anyone who might need these tips and are hoping to rebuild their homes.

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Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

How To Prep Your Home For Sale

Looking to sell your home this. year and want to know how to get it ready so you receive the greatest return on investment? Here is a peek at what the selling process will look like.

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Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

Winter Wonderland

Looking for some amazing holiday lights displays this season? Look no further than these iconic Orange County holiday events!

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Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

Investments in Opportunity Zones

By reinvesting capital gains into a Qualified Opportunity Fund, investors can delay paying federal taxes on the gains until December 31, 2026. Furthermore, holding the investment in the fund for a minimum of ten years results in the elimination of federal capital gains taxes on any future gains. This long-term commitment can yield substantial tax savings for investors in Opportunity Zones. Contact me to learn more about the Opportunity Zones in Orange County.

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Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

VE Flood Zone Amendment in Newport Beach

The city of Newport Beach implemented new FEMA Flood Insurance Maps on March 21, 2019, which now designate a Special Flood Hazard Area (VE Zone) along Balboa Peninsula. This newly designated VE Zone encompasses 166 properties on West Ocean Front, spanning from 24th Street to 48th Street. Within the affected properties, any new construction must implement elevated structures to lift the structure’s first floor three to five feet to comply with FEMA design criteria.

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Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

NEM 3.0 - What does it mean for you?

California is implementing new solar net metering guidelines that will result in a significant reduction in compensation rates for new solar customers (by about 75 percent). Home owners have until April 14, 2023, to submit a completed application and secure NEM 2.0 rates for 20 years.

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Shellsy Ashen Shellsy Ashen

April Market Update

With today’s higher mortgage rate environment, nobody anticipated buyer bidding wars, but due to extremely low inventory that is exactly what is happening.

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